MatheAss 10.0 - News
What's new in MatheAss 10.0?
What's new in MatheAss 9.0?
What else was added later?
What's new in MatheAss 10.0?
- The scope of MatheAss 10.0 initially corresponds to that of MatheAss 9.0.
The main difference is that it is no longer distributed as shareware, but as freeware for private use.
This means:
The program is free for private use.
For use in schools or for commercial use, you must register as before. .
Licenses for version 9.0 remain valid for version 10.0.This makes it more attractive to use in class, as students can use the same program at home for free.
You can support further program development by making a donation using the following PayPal button.
What's new in MatheAss 9.0?
- Prime tuples
- In an interval [a,b], all prime twins (p,p+2), prime cousins (p,p+4), sexy primes (p,p+6) and prime triplets are determined.
- Calculating percentages
- The base value G, the percentage value W, the percentage p or p%, the growth factor q and the final value E are calculated if two independent values are entered.
- Special straight lines in a triangle
- The program determines the equations of the perpendiculars, the bisectors of the sides, the bisectors of the angles and the heights of a triangle. In addition, the centers and radii of the circumference, the inscribed circle and the three excircles.
- Mappings of Polygons
Displacement, straight line mirroring, point mirroring, rotation, centric stretching and shear can be applied to an n-gon.
The input has been made clearer and the construction lines can be drawn in the diagram. - Factoring Polynomials
- The program calculates the rational zeros and the linear factorization of a polynomial.
- Transforming Polynomials
- A polynomial p(x) can be shifted or stretched in the x-direction and y-direction.
- Calculus of Polynomial Functions
- The program carries out the curve discussion for polynomial function. This means that the derivatives and the antiderivative are determined, the function is examined for rational zeros, for extremes, for inflection points and for symmetry.
- Calculus of Rational Functions
- The program carries out the curve discussion for a rational function. That is, the derivatives, the definition gaps and the continuous continuation are determined. The function is examined for zeros, extrema, points of inflection: and the behavior for | x | → ∞.
- Statistics
- In the statistics section, the histogram was supplemented by a box plot.
- Logistic Regression
- The program determines a curve fit for a series of measurements to the logistic function
with the parameters a1 = ƒ(0)·S , a2 = ƒ(0) , a3 = S - ƒ(0) , und a4 = -k·S and the saturation limit S . - Data series from Johns Hopkins University (JHU) on the corona pandemic are attached as CSV files.
Prime twins between 1 and 200 (3|5) (5|7) (11|13) (17|19) (29|31) (41|43) (59|61) (71|73) (101|103) (107|109) (137|139) (149|151) (179|181) (191|193) (197|199) 15 pairs of prime twins
Prime triplets between 1 and 100 (3|5|7) (5|7|11) [7|11|13] (11|13|17) [13|17|19] (17|19|23) [37|41|43] (41|43|47) [67|71|73] 9 triplet prime triplets 4 of the form (p|p+2|p+6) and 4 of the form [p|p+4|p+6]
Given: ¯¯¯¯¯¯ basic value G = 150 percentage p% = 2.5% = 0.025 = 1/40 Results: ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ percentage value W = 3.75 growth factor q = 102,5% = 1,025 = 41/40 final value E = 153.75
Given: ¯¯¯¯¯¯ percentage value W = -120 growth factor q = 95% = 0,95 = 19/20 Results: ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ basic value G = 2400 percentage p% = -5% = -0.05 = -1/20 final value E = 2280
Given: ¯¯¯¯¯¯ Vertices: A(1|0) B(5|1) C(3|6) Results: ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Sides: a : 5·x + 2·y = 27 b : 3·x - y = 3 c : x - 4·y = 1 Incircle: Mi(3,119|1,962) r i = 1,390 Excircles: Ma(7,626|6,136) ra = 4,346 Mb(-4,356|5,784) rb = 6,910 Mc(3,248|-2,427) rc = 2,900

Counter image A(1|1), B(5|1), C(5|5), D(3|7), E(1|5), 1. Translation: dx=2, dy=1 ☑ A(3|2), B(7|2), C(7|6), D(5|8), E(3|6), 2. Rotation: Z(2|-1), α=-60° ☑ A(5,0981|-0,36603), B(7,0981|-3,8301), C(10,562|-1,8301), D(11,294|0,90192), E(8,5622|1,634),

p(x) = x5 - 9·x4 - 82/9·x3 + 82·x2 + x - 9 = (1/9)·(9·x5 - 81·x4 - 82·x3 + 738·x2 + 9·x - 81) = (1/9)·(3·x - 1)·(3·x + 1)·(x - 9)·(x - 3)·(x + 3) Rational Zeros: 1/3, -1/3, 9, 3, -3
ƒ(x) = - 1/4·x4 + 2·x3 - 16·x + 21 Shifted by dx = -2 , dy = 0 ƒ(x + 2) = - 1/4·x4 + 6·x2 + 1
Function : ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ƒ(x) = 3·x4 - 82/3·x2 + 3 = 1/3·(9·x4 - 82·x2 + 9) = 1/3·(3·x - 1)·(3·x + 1)·(x - 3)·(x + 3) Derivations : ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ƒ'(x) = 12·x3 - 164/3·x ƒ"(x) = 36·x2 - 164/3 ƒ'"(x) = 72·x Antiderivative: ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ƒ(x) = 3/5·x5 - 82/9·x3 + 3·x + c …

Function : ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ 3·x3 + x2 - 4 (x - 1)·(3·x2 + 4·x + 4) ƒ(x) = —————— = ——————————— 4·x2 - 16 4·(x - 2)·(x + 2) Definition gaps : ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ x = 2 Pol mit Vorzeichenwechsel x =-2 Pol mit Vorzeichenwechsel Derivations : ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ 3·(x4 - 12·x2) 3·(x2·(x2 - 12)) ƒ'(x) = ———————— = ————————— 4·(x4 - 8·x2 + 16) 4·(x - 2)2·(x + 2)2 6·(x3 + 12·x) 6·(x·(x2 + 12)) ƒ"(x) = ——————————— = ———————— x6 - 12·x4 + 48·x2 - 64 (x - 2)3·(x + 2)3 …

Data from: "hopfenwachstum.csv" Saturation limit: 6 Dark figure: 1 4,0189 ƒ(x) = ———————————————— 0,66981 + 5,3302 · e^(-0,35622·t) Inflection point W(5,8226/3) Maximum growth rate ƒ'(xw) = 0,53433 8 Values Coeff.of determin. = 0,99383916 Correlation coeff. = 0,99691482 Standard deviation = 0,16172584

What else was added later?
- Tangent lines to circles (since february 2021)
- The following tangents will be calculated:
- The tangent to a circle k at a point B.
- The tangents to a circle k through a point P outside the circle
- The tangents to a circle k parallel to a straight line g
- The tangents to two circles k1 and k2
- GCD and LCM of polynomials (since february 2021)
- The greatest common divisor (GCD) and the least common multiple (LCM) of two polynomials p1(x) and p2(x) are determined..
- Integral Calculus (since february 2021 with arc lengths)
- Calculation with big integers (since april 2021)
- Calculation with two big integers a and b with a maximum of 10,000 digits.
- Sequences and Series (since may 2021)
- The program determines the first n terms of a sequence (ai) and the associated series
(sum of the sequence terms) if the first terms of the sequence and a recourse formula
ai=ƒ(a0, a1, ... , ai-1)
or an explicit function ai = ƒ(i) are given.
The sequence of odd numbers e.g. can be defined explicitly by ai = 2·i + 1 or recursively by ai = ai-1 + 2 with a0=1 . - Distances_on_the_Sphere (since december 2021)
- Linear Optimization (since february 2022)
- The program determines the optimal solution for a two-variable objective function with linear inequalities as boundary conditions.
- Arbitrary Polygons (since november 2022)
- The sides and angles of the polygon are now also calculated and it is checked whether the polygon is convex, concave or self-intersecting.
In addition, convex polygons are checked whether they have an incircle and/or a circumcircle. - Easier settings of 2D graphics (since february 2023)
The graphics can be moved by dragging them with the left mouse button and can be zoomed centrally with the mouse wheel.
You can zoom separately in x and y direction by dragging with both mouse buttons.The other functions of the previous context menu have been replaced by the buttons
Aspect 1:1,
Center and
Settings on the right side.
Where possible, an area is chosen in the initial drawing where all the essential points are visible.
You can return to this setting by double-clicking in the drawing.- Complete revision (from april 2024)
- Expansion of the memory function: When you close a program module with 2D graphics, in addition to the input data, the drawing area settings as well as the colors and line widths are saved and are available again the next time the program is started.
The choice of colors and line widths has been simplified and presented more clearly.
In many modules, input was supported by colors and the given sizes were highlighted.
- Throughout the program, the fonts and in many places the presentation have been modernized.
Given: ¯¯¯¯¯ k1 : M(5|8) , r =5 k2 : M(-1|2) , r =3 Outer tangents ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ t1: -4,2923·x + 7,04104·y = -6,36427 t2: -7,04104·x + 4,29230·y = 40,3643 Inner tangents ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ t3: 1,21895·x + 2,55228·y = 12,3709 t4: -2,55228·x - 1,21895·y = -8,3709

p1(x) = 4·x6 - 2·x5 - 6·x4- 18·x3 - 2·x2 + 24·x + 8 p2(x) = 10·x4- 14·x3 - 22·x2 + 14·x + 12 GCD(p1,p2) = x2 - x - 2 LCM(p1,p2) = 40·x8 - 36·x7 - 76·x6 - 144·x5 + 88·x4+ 356·x3 - 4·x2 - 176·x - 48
ƒ1(x) = cosh(x) ƒ2(x) = x^2+1 Limits of integration [a;b] from -2 to 2 Oriented content : A1 = -2,07961 Absolute content : A2 = 2,07961 Arc lengths : L1[a;b] = 7,254 L2[a,b] = 9,294

Sequence ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ( a[ i ] ) = (1; 3; 5; 7; 9; 11; 13; 15; 17; 19) Serie ¯¯¯¯ ( Σ a[ i ] ) = (1; 4; 9; 16; 25; 36; 49; 64; 81; 100)
The distance between two points on a sphere is calculated.
GPS decimal ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Berlin : 52.523403, 13.4114 New York : 40.714268, -74.005974 GPS dms ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Berlin : 52° 31' 24.2508" N, 13° 24' 41.0400" E New York : 40° 42' 51.3648" N, 74° 0' 21.5064" W . . . Distance ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ d = r · α [rad] = 6385,112
Objective function: ƒ(x,y) = 140·x + 80·y → Maximum Constraints: x ≥ 0 y ≥ 0 x ≤ 600 y ≤ 700 x + y ≤ 750 3·x + y ≤ 1200 Maximum x = 225 y = 525 ƒ(x,y) = 73500

Vertices: Area A = 16 A(1|2) B(4,5|0,5) Perimeter p = 15,54498 C(6|4) D(4,5|5,5) Centroid of vertices: E(1|4) CV(3,4|3,2) Centroid of area: CA(3,46875|3,07813) Sides: Angles: |AB| = 3,8078866 ∡BAE = 113,19859° |BC| = 3,8078866 ∡CBA = 90° |CD| = 2,1213203 ∡DCB = 111,80141° |DE| = 3,8078866 ∡EDC = 111,80141° |EA| = 2 ∡AED = 113,19859° Cyclic polygon Circumcircle: M(3,5|3) r=2,6925824
Cyclic polygon: